You Can Strengthen Your Brain

Neuroplasticity means that your brain is "soft-wired" and can be trained. Just like your body, you can calm your brain down, work with it, exercise it, strengthen it, and thereby fulfill your potential. You can also optimize the brains of all children. Happy brains learn better, become stronger, are healthier and are more creative!

The Stronger Brains Program designed to support children and young adults who have suffered trauma. Adverse childhood experiences do harm to developing brains. Designed by neuroscientists, brain-training is an evidence-based way to heal them. Stronger Brains teaches kids how to calm their brains, learn about their potential, and then commit to the brain-training exercises to strengthen them.

How Do We Strengthen Brains?

  • Parents & Educators

    Learn about children's developing brains during two important phases: the early years from 0 to 5 and adolescence from 12 to 25. Discover how to keep young brains healthy, learning, and safe from harmful stress. Acquire and apply brain-informed strategies for supporting toddlers and teens as they are growing up.

  • Trauma and disadvantage

    Constructed around brain-exercises, designed by neuroscientists, Stronger Brains' train-the-trainer program levels the playing-field for kids who have suffered trauma or disadvantage. This evidence-based program shows that no matter what has happened, all children's brains can fulfill their potential.

  • Frontline Workers with Families & Kids

    Supporting clients and families with insights from neuroscientific research offers new strategies to respond empathically and heal harm done. Insight into the brain, with its power and vulnerability, provides further tools to construct healthier lives. Empowering individuals to strengthen their brains is transformative.

Strengthening Brains in Early Childhood

From birth to five, brain development is intensive and critically important. This time of life lays the foundation for healthy, happy, learning brains. The more we know what peer-reviewed, replicated research can teach us, the more we can support babies, toddlers and children.

Strengthen the Brain During Adolescence

Teens and twenty-somethings are undergoing intensive brain development. The more informed we are about what's happening in their brains, the better we can guide them, motivate them, and keep them safe. Learn from neuroscientific research about the adolescent brain.

Why strengthen brains?

  • Extensive, peer-reviewed, replicated research shows brains, like bodies, can be trained to get stronger.

  • Brain-training is inexpensive and proven to be highly effective.

  • Few of us are taught about our brains and that lack of knowledge leads us to make mistakes involving health, education, and success.

  • Many believe, but they are incorrect, that traumatized brains cannot recover, heal or succeed at learning.

  • Neuroplasticity shows our brains---throughout the life span---to possess the power and capacity to become stronger.

Learn ways to Strengthen Brains

From our first, until our last day, we can strengthen our brains. Join with us and learn how!