Youth are at Risk
The leading, or second leading cause of death in youth populations are car accidents. In the course, we use the high-stakes arena of driving in order to convey how critical it is that we understand adolescent brain development and the way in which it puts them at risk. There is a companion course for youth called "Road Ready" that teaches them in short, text & video lessons, how to stay safe on the road & beyond, in all areas of their lives!
Knowing about Brains Can Save Lives
Those who work with teens & young adults are knowledgeable about how their bodies develop and function. But how many teachers, parents, coaches, career counsellors, social workers, criminal justice personnel & first responders are knowledgeable about how their brains develop and function? Major neural changes occur from 13 to 24 that impact how youth behave. The more we know, the more we can protect & support them.
Working with the Adolescent Brain
The technological innovation of brain scans allows scientists to non-invasively examine and better understand the brain. Extensive, peer-reviewed, replicated research confirms adolescence --- 13 to 24 --- as a time of intense neuroplasticity and brain integration. All those who work with youth can become more effective and more empathic once they understand the brain changes that make the adolescent years so challenging.